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Auteur Jill Shawe |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (3)

Article : texte imprimé
Wendy Marsh ; Ann Robinson ; J. Leamon ; Jill Shawe | 2020There is growing evidence that the number of babies being removed from their mothers at birth in the UK is increasing (Broadhurst et al 2015) and that domestic violence, drug misuse and mental ill-health are all contributory factors (Marsh et al 2015). Following removal of a baby, evidence indicates the risk of ...![]()
Article : texte imprimé
Régine Goemaes ; Jill Shawe ; Dimitri Beeckman ; Elsie Decoene ; Sofie Verhaeghe ; Ann Van Hecke | 2018Objective: To explore factors influencing the implementation of advanced midwife practitioner roles. Design: Semi-structured individual face-to-face and focus group interviews were conducted. Data analysis was performed using the Framework Method. Setting and participants: A purposive sample (n = 32) included chief nursing officers, middle managers, head midwives/nurses, primary care team leaders, ...