Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Helen Elliott-Mainwaring |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (3)

Article : texte imprimé
Helen Elliott-Mainwaring | 2020‘Safety-Critical Systems (SCSs) can be defined as systems whose failure could result in loss of life, significant property damage or damage to the environment’ (Tarrant 2020:2). Examples of such systems are essential critical infrastructures like health care, public safety and national security, education, financial services, transport logistics and communication, utilities, information ...![]()
Article : texte imprimé
Helen Elliott-Mainwaring | 2020This paper is concerned with what could be considered a contentious issue in health care: whether managers can learn to lead. The very public exposure of poor care episodes has caused considerable harm to some reputations in the United Kingdom (UK) health care system in recent years (Mohammed et al 2001, ...![]()
Article : texte imprimé
Helen Elliott-Mainwaring | 2020This article is written in the aftermath of yet another tragic patient safety story where, in 2017, failings in health care at a United Kingdom (UK) maternity unit resulted in a newborn baby boy tragically sustaining brain damage (Ulke 2020). The senior midwife on duty was taken to a hearing at the ...