Paramédical (MeSH) > C_Maladies > Maladies cardiovasculaires > Maladies vasculaires > Artériopathies oblitérantes > Occlusion vasculaire mésentérique
Occlusion vasculaire mésentérique
Commentaire :
coord IM with MESENTERIC ARTERIES (NIM) or MESENTERIC VEINS (NIM); embolism or thrombosis: see notes under MESENTERIC ARTERIES & MESENTERIC VEINS; coord IM with target organ losing its blood supply (COLON /blood supply, JEJUNUM /blood supply) (IM or NIM) only if particularly discussed; do not confuse with SUPERIOR MESENTERIC ARTERY SYNDROME (duodenal compression BY the superior mesenteric artery, not OF)
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