Titre :
Information needs, seeking behaviors, and support among low-income expectant women (2014)
Auteurs :
H. Song, Auteur ;
E.M. Cramer, Auteur ;
S. McRoy, Auteur ;
A. May, Auteur
Type de document :
Article : texte imprimé
Dans :
Midirs. Midwifery Digest (1, mars 2014)
Article en page(s) :
p. 37-38
Sujets :
Paramédical (MeSH)
Analyse de régression
Besoins et demandes de services de santé
Comportement de recherche d'information
Femmes enceintes
Prise en charge prénatale
Relations interpersonnelles
Soutien social
Résumé :
Previous studies have consistently found associations between low income and infant health outcomes. Moreover, although health information-seeking is a maternal behavior related to improved health outcomes, little is known about the health information-seeking behaviors and information needs of low-income pregnant women. The purpose of the current investigation was to examine the information needs, information-seeking behaviors, and perceived informational support of low-income pregnant women. Accordingly, the study recruited 63 expectant women enrolled in a subsidized prenatal care program in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, during two time periods: March-May 2011 and October-December 2011. Results indicated that participants relied heavily upon interpersonal sources of information, especially family and the father of the baby; rarely used the Internet for health-related information; and desired information beyond infant and maternal health, such as finding jobs and accessing community/government resources. Participants who used family members as primary sources of information also had significantly increased levels of perceived informational support and reduced uncertainty about pregnancy. Our findings have implications for the dissemination of pregnancy-related health information among low-income expectant women.