Paramédical (MeSH) > Z_Lieux géographiques > Régions géographiques > Asie > Asie de l'Ouest > Bangladesh
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (3)

Article : site web ou document numérique
Sofia Meister | 2023Introduction : Le projet Probashi consiste en la réalisation de quatre courts films autobiographiques sur les parcours de vie en France et les obstacles à l’accès aux soins de ressortissa·es bangladais·es installé·es en Ile-de-France. But de l’étude : Le développement de cette expérience de recherche-création interrog...![]()
Article : texte imprimé
Mylene Appere | 2021Around 800 maternal deaths occur daily accross the globe, the majority in humanitarian crises. As of October 2020, there were more than 850,000 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and 52 per cent of them were women and girls. Despite considerable national and international aid women are still dying from preventable causes, such as obstetric haemorrhage ...![]()
Article : texte imprimé
Lesley Kay | 2020Between August and November 2019, I had the pleasure of making two trips to Bangladesh to support the Royal College of Midwives' (RCM) twinning project with the Bangladesh Midwifery Society (BMS). The partnership between the RCM and the BMS aims to strengthen the BMS to advocate for the midwifery profession and ...