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Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (34)

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Jane Coyne ; Fran Frankland | 2024National ambitions seek to reduce smoking rates in pregnancy to less than five per cent by 2030 (Balogun & Harker 2023), while increasing the choice and personalisation of services that women and their families are offered. The recently published Chief Medical Office Report for 2018 (Davies 2018) also commits to halve smoking-in-pregnancy inequalities experienced across ...![]()
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Sarah Morton ; Anne Mills ; Ann Hemingway | 2024Within the strategic plan for research (NHS England 2023) the Chief Midwifery Officer (CMO) for England has set out a vision for maternity services to provide more personalised care for women and their families. Midwives who are keen to capture the essence and sense making of lived experiences of those involved ...![]()
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Intelligence artificielle, objets connectés, applications, télémédecine, sont autant d’innovations numériques qui ont bouleversé les usages dans le domaine de la santé. Ces innovations sont souvent difficiles à cerner en raison de leur caractère protéiforme et d’un rythme de développement différent selon les pays, dont la Fr...![]()
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Ghislaine Young | 2021Catherine is an advanced nurse practitioner working alongside her medical colleagues in a large general practice in the North of England. She receives and treats patients with undifferentiated complaints. Alice, a 30-year-old woman, is ushered into the consulting room. She looks pale and anxious.![]()
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Article : texte imprimé
Article : texte imprimé
Géraldine Magnan | 2018Plusieurs travaux de recherche ont été présentés lors des Journées du Collège national des gynécologues-obstétriciens Français, à Lille, en décembre 2017.![]()
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Gaëlle Guemalec-Lévy | 2017Le Collectif interassociatif autour de la naissance et le Cermers3 organisaient les 8 et 9 juin dans les locaux de l'Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales un colloque intitué "Quand le handicap interroge la naissance". Une approche pluridisciplinaire et internationale pour un sujet majeur et pourtant sous-trait&...![]()
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Tania McIntosh | 2016December 2015, student midwives and nurses, joined by students from other professions including medical trainees, demonstrated outside the Department of Health in London. Many dressed in scrubs and holding homemade placards and banners, they were protesting against something of potentially huge significance; a radical change to English policy on supporting student ...![]()
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Sarah Crowdy ; Mindy Noble ; Fiona Robertson | 2016