Résumé :
Normality is a fundamental concept within midwifery, wherein pregnancy and birth are regarded as natural physiological processes (Henley-Einion 2009,Chenery-Morris & McLean 2013). As the primary caregiver for low-risk women, the key role of the midwife is to promote said normality (Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) 2015,International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) 2017,National Childbirth Trust (NCT) 2017). However, in a modern clinical environment where interventions are commonplace and the venue for birth has moved from the home to hospital for 97.9% of women, the ability of the midwife to safeguard normality comes into question (Office for National Statistics (ONS) 2019). In this discussion, a case study of ‘Judy’, a woman I cared for on a recent delivery suite placement, will be analysed and utilised in the exploration of the sociological construct of normality, the concept and communication of risk, methods of normality promotion and a critical reflection of the healthcare professionals’ (HCPs) care provision. All names used are pseudonyms in accordance with the confidentiality policy (NHS England 2018).