Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (99)

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With its straightforward writing style and extraordinary breadth of content, Physiology in Childbearing is an ideal textbook for students of midwifery wanting to master the physiology of pregnancy, childbirth, the neonate and breastfeeding. This popular book has been fully updated to incorporate new knowledge and guidelines, and has a stronger ...![]()
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Wanjiku Mwangi ; Nyambura Njoroge | 2024Objective: This cohort study investigates the comparative effectiveness of virtual reality (VR) and traditional manikin-based simulation in midwifery training across successive academic years. Methods: Midwifery students (N=80) were enrolled over two academic years and randomly assigned to either VR (n=40) or manikin-based (n=40) training groups. Virtual Medical Coaching provided the ...![]()
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Alice Rollinson | 2024Standards for student supervision and assessment (SSSA) were developed in response to Article 15 of the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001, providing student midwives with innovative education and training opportunities, so that they can achieve the proficiencies required for admission to the register (Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) 2023). The NMC describes the ...![]()
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Emily Bates | 2024The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) stipulates that student midwives should facilitate no less than 40 spontaneous vaginal births (S VB) to meet the requirements for qualification. This reflective account critically examines how this stipulation can jeopardise the care women receive, particularly in regard to continuity of care (COC). This account ...![]()
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Helena Nash | 2024Objective: This narrative literature review aims to provide a critical appraisal and synthesis of the literature surrounding the benefits and challenges of implementing newborn and infant physical examination (NIPE) training into pre-registration midwifery education. Methods: Because of the broad aim of the review, a narrative approach was chosen by the ...![]()
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Conchita Delcroix-Gomez | 2024L’éducation thérapeutique du patient (ETP) est un processus complexe centré sur la personne qui va au-delà d’un simple transfert d’informations au patient par des professionnels de santé qualifiés. Les addictions constituent un problème croissant partout dans le monde. Le déploiement de l’ETP dans le c...![]()
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Sénat de Belgique 2024Depuis plusieurs années, émergent la conscience et la connaissance autour des violences gynécologiques et obstétricales, notamment via des témoignages sur les réseaux sociaux. Ces violences peuvent prendre plusieurs formes, et être subies à tous les moments de la vie sexuelle des femmes. Il peut s'agir de gestes, de paroles, ...![]()
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Suzanne Nijdam | 2023Cinq ans après une première enquête dont les résultats étaient préoccupants, l’Association nationale des étudiants sages-femmes a interrogé à nouveau les étudiants en maïeutique à propos de leur bien-être, en abordant de multiples thématiques. La situation n’a semble-t-il pas évolué, voire a même empiré, ce q...![]()
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Giliane McKelvin ; Drew Shackleton ; Jessica Clarke ; Caroline Myerscough | 2023Objective: To explore students' and midwives' preparation for and experiences of supervision and assessment in practice, using the new SSSA. Design: An exploratory qualitative study was undertaken. Student midwives (SMS) and registered midwives (RMS) were invited to participate using online recruitment strategies across closed groups. Participants were required to complete ...![]()
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Lionel Di Marco ; Marjan Nadjafizadeh ; Sébastien Riquet ; Isabelle Vaast | 2023Espérée depuis de nombreuses années, une loi réformant la formation de maïeutique a été votée le 25 janvier 2023. Cette promulgation, qui survient dans un contexte étudiant et professionnel tendu, questionne l’ensemble des acteurs quant à ses conséquences sur le cursus universitaire, les structures de formation mais aussi les ense...